Thursday, September 9, 2010

My 4 year old can ride a bike?

Well, Kaleb finally decided to ride his bike without training wheels and he learned so fast that I can't remember when he had training wheels! Crazy, I had been telling him for a week that we should take his training wheels off and he just did not want to because he was afraid he wasn't going to be able to ride without them. Finally, I convinced him to let Daddy teach him and on Monday when we went for our walk he decided he wanted to. It was definitely a slow progression, the first day he could ride but wasn't able to turn around with putting his feet down. Then on Tuesday he decided to try some more and was pretty much the same but now he would turn on his own without putting his feet down, now don't forget that there were tons of bumps and bruises along the way. By Wednesday he was super excited and wanted to go another walk but I just couldn't push him on his bike and stroll Addison a the same time so we waited for the evening when we could just go outside and let him ride. We did decide to go on a walk with the help of my mother in law and we helped Kaleb and he picked up how to place your feet on the petals to get the bike started. I told you this was a day to day process. On Thursday he was cruising the streets as if he had been riding his bike since the day he was born, starting and stopping, going off the curb to do "tricks," and just going as fast as he could! I can't believe that Kaleb is riding a bike, where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday he was learning to walk. Thank you Lord for allowing me to take care of Kaleb while he is on Earth and I am so thankful to call him my son!

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